Here at nutripharmdirect, we know how uncomfortable it is when you have difficulty digesting certain foods. When this occurs over time, large food particles (proteins) may enter the blood stream and this can cause inflammation. This is how a food intolerance test helps.

When foods and drinks are digested, the proteins within them are broken down into smaller fragments for easy absorption into the body. Larger fragments can pass through without breaking down, and sometimes the body reacts by attacking them using antibodies called Immunoglobulin G’s (IgG).

Food intolerance can cause a wide range of disruptive symptoms such as digestive problems, eczema, migraines and headaches, fatigue, depression and low mood, joint pains and sinusitis.

Many people with these problems will be given the all clear by their doctor and strongly suspect that food is the root cause of their problems. So what options do they have?

  • Do nothing
  • Choose to remove foods from their diet by second guessing
  • Seek support from a dietician or nutritional therapist and try an elimination diet and challenge method; a method which can be long and laborious (it is difficult to determine the exact combination of relevant trigger foods using this method)
  • Take a food intolerance test to identify their food triggers and fast-track their elimination diet

Here at nutripharmdirect, we want to enable you to take the guesswork completely away, and get you feeling your best.



Food Intolerance Test

Food Intolerance Test


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