Here at nutripharmdirect, we want to help you take the stress out of being stressed. The Adrenal Stress Bronze is an easy to use home salivary test which evaluates adrenal function and fluctuations in the circadian rhythm.

The test checks levels of cortisol and DHEA, the two steroid hormones that assist the body to manage stress. These hormones also have an influence on metabolism, thyroid function plus female and male hormones.

Imbalances in these hormones can result in a wide range of symptoms from low energy and exhaustion to loss of drive and motivation, depression and hormonal problems.

The Adrenal Stress Silver should be considered when stress becomes more chronic, and clients may experience symptoms such as weight gain, depression, and digestive issues. This test also looks at thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones are responsible for metabolism, so this test looks both at the adrenals and thyroid function.


Stress (adrenal) Saliva Test Silver

Stress (adrenal) Saliva Test Silver


Stress (adrenal) Saliva Test Gold

Stress (adrenal) Saliva Test Gold


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