Digestive Stool Test Gold
This is one of the most comprehensive stool tests we offer, checking a combination of digestive function, bacteria yeasts and parasites.
This test offers the best of all the other stool tests put together along with combining new technology for checking levels of 24 different types of bacteria. This is done via a process called PCR. This works by checking the DNA of the bacteria and is fast becoming the world leader in ways to test for bacteria.
Gastrointestinal (GI) function is important for general health. This includes balancing beneficial microbial flora in the gut to enhance health benefits. GI health is key in digestion, nutrient usage, and ridding the body of waste and pathogens. Poor digestion and malabsorption can lead to immune dysfunction, nutritional insufficiencies, and various disease states. Poor GI function can also lead to food allergies and other toxicities.
- Used to detect
- Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs)
- Microbiology Markers – Microbiome
- Mycology – Cultured
- Bacterial Sensitivity
- Parasites.
- Faecal Occult Blood ( Hidden blood) –
- Colour
- Consistency
- General Information
- Symptoms a client may be experiencing
- Age range this test is suitable for
- Specimen Requirement
- Before Taking this Test
- Sample report
Digestion/Absorption Markers
This part of the test looks at how well you are breaking down and absorbing protein, fats and carbohydrates.
- Pancreatic Elastase 1– Pancreatic Elastase is secreted by the pancreas, with a direct correlation to pancreatic function.
- Products of Protein breakdown(Valerate, Isobutyrate and Isovalerate) – also known as Putrefactive short chain fatty acids.
- Faecal Fat; Total fecal fat, Long chain fatty acids, Cholesterol and Phospholipids – Dietary fats are digested by pancreatic enzymes in the small intestine.
- Calprotectin – Calprotectin is a sensitive, stable marker that is unaffected by medications, dietary supplements or digestive enzymes. Calprotectin is the noninvasive “test of choice” for differentiating Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).
- Eosinophil Protein X (EPX) – As a non-invasive marker, EPX offers increased sensitivity for evaluating inflammatory disease activity.
- Faecal sIgA– Fecal SIgA is the chief antibody in the membranes of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. It is the most abundant antibody produced in the intestine.
Beta Glucoronidase – Raised levels can be associated with an increased risk of colon cancer.
This part of the test is looking at levels of good and bad bacteria, yeasts and parasites.
PCR technology is used to test for the presence of the DNA of bacteria.
Candia albicans
Candida dubliniensis and other species of candida are checked for.
Yeast that are not related to candida.
Opportunistic fungi are associated with gastrointestinal symptoms and may be considered pathogenic, especially in immune-compromised individual.
A Sensitivity panels is provided against any of the additional bacteria or yeasts that may be pathogenic (problem causing) which will show which pharmaceutical medicines and plant based supplements will be effective and which they are resistant to and would there for would be ineffective.
The GI Effects profile utilizes the accepted gold standard for parasite detection.
This can reflect bleeding higher up in the GI tract.
Stool colour is generally related to diet or medications, though it can also be an indication of health conditions.
This Stool test also comes with an insightful interpretation at a glance front page which informs you or your status for infection, inflammation, Insufficiency and imbalance as well as giving you a measure or your own bacterial diversity and abundance in relation to the general health population.
- Bloating
- Brain fog
- Mood swings
- Excess wind
- Recurrent thrush
- Sinus issues
- Diarrhoea
- Constipation
- Abdominal pain
- Fatigue
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
The advantage of assessing multiple functional areas that may be contributing to symptoms. For example, diarrhoea could stem from multiple causes including pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, inflammation, food allergies, or the presence of a pathogenic or potentially pathogenic organism. A positive result on one or more faecal biomarker tests may guide therapy, either by suggesting a treatable alternative diagnosis or by eliminating a diagnosis from further consideration. The latter allows individualised targeted treatment to be redirected to more likely diagnoses.
Adults and children 2 years and above. The child needs to be potty trained and out of nappies. The sample must not be contaminated with urine or fibres from nappies. Please note the reference ranges for digestive and inflammatory markers are for adults.
6 samples taken over 3 days. Sample 1 & 2 can be taken up to a month before posting if stored correctly ( as per instructions sent with the kit.) The third sample has to reach the lab the next day by guaranteed delivery that you are responsible for organising or you can take advantage of the courier collection details of which come with the kit and include an additional fee of approx £12.00.
Refrain from taking digestive enzymes, antacids, and aspirin for two days prior to specimen collection, unless otherwise instructed by your healthcare provider.
If taking antibiotics, antiparasites, antifungals, probiotic supplements (acidophilus, etc.), or consuming food products containing beneficial flora (e.g. Activia®), it is recommended that you wait a minimum of 14 days after your last dose before beginning the test; 28 days may be preferred after antibiotics have been utilized (unless instructed otherwise by your physician). There may be times when your healthcare provider prefers that you stay on one of these agents (e.g. acidophilus) during testing in order to evaluate its effectiveness. Follow your healthcare provider’s recommendation.
Never discontinue prescription medications without consulting your healthcare provider first.
The test kit will come with full instructions.
How Long For My results?
21 Days
All sample reports are for representational and educational purposes only. Biomarkers, references ranges, results, and all other data may differ from actual reports. All data included in no way represents an actual patient. Any comparisons of results to actual patients, is completely incidental.