
Collect your sample

Stand up for the whole process — gravity helps your blood to flow. This makes it much easier to collect your sample.

Here’s how much you need to fill each tube:

yellow tube – fill to top line marked 600

purple tube – fill to bottom line marked 250

If you have both a yellow and purple tube, fill the yellow tube first.Why?
Clean your finger with the alcohol wipe — we recommend using your ring finger.

It’s important to prick the corner of your fingertip as it’s less sensitive and makes it easier to direct your blood.
Place your hand on a hard surface and prick your fingertip. Wipe away the first drop of blood with a clean tissue.
If you feel faint at any point, lie down and raise your legs. If you continue to feel unwell, get medical advice.
Massage your hand in a downward motion — don’t squeeze too hard or get too close to the prick.Why?

Wait 3-4 seconds between each massage.
Remember, fill the yellow tube first if you have both a yellow and purple tube.
Once your blood is flowing, tap the drops of blood against the top of the tube to help guide it in.

It should take no more than two minutes to fill a tube.
Struggling to get enough blood?
Get some tips

Fill and mix your sample tubes

Here’s how much you need to fill each tube:

yellow tube – fill to top line marked 600

purple tube – fill to bottom line marked 250

Immediately after, put the cap on the tube and press until you hear a click. Gently swirl and turn the tube upside down at least 10 times.

Remember it’s important to mix the purple tube first (if you have one).

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