Health Conditions : Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a condition with many symptoms, and has been classed into 4 different types, A, B, C and D. Each present with different symptoms, although there is of course, some overlap.

Symptoms may include irregular or no periods, erratic or no ovulation, subfertility, recurrent miscarriages, excess facial and body hair, fatigue, acne, weight gain that is hard to shift, hair loss, mood swings, abdominal pain, aching joints and dizziness, and very low body weight.

PCOS occurs when there is an imbalance in women’s hormones, mainly high oestrogen, testosterone and luteinizing hormone. High levels of the hormone insulin (needed to balance blood sugar levels) may also be observed.

Due to insulin insensitivity PCOS clients can often, but not always struggle to lose weight (we also have the complete opposite where there is an absence of periods and clients with low BMI).

Dietary changes that have been shown to assist  although there is no one recommended diet for PCOS; however, we would recommend the following; the reduction of refined carbohydrates and sugar; at least 5 different fruits and vegetables in the diet daily; natural unprocessed food; high fibre foods; fatty fish; broccoli and cauliflower; spices such as turmeric and cinnamon; pulses such as lentils; healthful fats such as olive oil, as well as avocado.

This list may seem exhaustive, and we can help with a 30 minute consultation to help you make some simple swops.


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