Health Conditions : Digestive Health

What is Dysbiosis?

Your large intestine plays host to thousands of micro-organisms some of which are beneficial and actually help to keep colon cells protected from disease and decay and others which are potentially harmful like yeasts, parasites and some not so friendly bacteria which can actually harm colon cells and create bowel toxicity. A healthy colon is one that is populated with strong healthy numbers of good or ‘Probiotic’ bacteria. If your levels of probiotics have taken a tumble and the not so healthy bugs have been able to become more established then you are likely to experience wind and bloating after eating.
Sometimes its necessary to have a stool analysis to ensure that theyre aren’t any bad bacteria or parasites , or candida lurking.

What is Poor Gut Motilty or Constipation

Having poor gut motility sets the scene for a stagnant bowel and this means that levels of probiotics start to decline whilst the not so friendly bugs start to flourish. Vast amounts of toxins are produced as these bugs set to work on the end products of digestion and this can result in damage to colon cells and an increased risk of colon cancer. Bloating, pain and constipation predominate along with a feeling general toxicity, frequent headaches and a coated tongue. Poor bowel motility can occur as a result of poor intestinal muscle function brought about by an imbalance between calcium and magnesium, lack of dietary soluble fibre or simply from being dehydrated.

What can you do to Help?

  • Make sure you drink plenty of water
  • Increase your daily soluble fibre intake a day with vegetables, lentils, beans oats, and brown rice .reduce eggs, bananas, cheese,bread and pasta which actively reduce gut motility.
  • Increase magnesium rich foods which help to restore gut fuction function- green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds.

How to improve your digestion

Making dramatic changes to your diet can be difficult to do and even harder to sustain for any significant length of time.  However, it doesn’t take much to make a difference; why not start today with the following 5 simple changes that can help to improve your digestion:

  • Add a tablespoon of sauerkraut as a side accompaniment to a salad as this is high in good probiotic bacteria
  • Ginger, peppermint and fennel are valuable tools for reducing gas and can be added to food as herbs or drunk as herbal teas.
  • Fruit can also cause bloating, particularly when eaten straight after a main meal.  It is best to eat it separately, either 30 minutes before a meal or at least two hours after.
  • Swap your usual fruit yoghurt for a natural, preferably organic, bio-yoghurt to boost your beneficial bacteria.  Remember that the probiotic drinks are often high in sugar which is not good for bloating.
  • Include fresh papaya or pawpaw (which contains papain) and fresh pineapple (which contains bromelain) in your diet.  These are good sources of beneficial digestive enzymes.

What is Bloating?

Abdominal bloating is when the abdomen feels full and tight, it is usually caused by intestinal gas, this can go hand in hand with flatulence and burping.  This gas is produced by the bacteria in the digestive tract, bacteria generate gas from food that is eaten but is not been properly digested and absorbed.
Bloating relates to a number of possible digestive imbalances.
If you experience bloating, pain or wind then this could to be a sign that there may be one of several digestive factors out of balance. The underlying causes of this are numerous and include: low stomach acid, low digestive enzymes, stress, food intolerances, poor gut motility and gut dysbiosis. By asking questions about lifestyle and diet we can get a more detailed idea as to why you are experiencing digestive imbalance and start to formulate a pro-active plan to help relieve them of their symptoms.

Low Stomach Acid

Symptoms of low stomach acid include burping when eating and feeling very full after eating very little.with low stomach acid you can find it difficult to digest things like eggs, fish and meat, as only partial digeation has occurred leading to digestive irritation, inflammation and putrifaction which causes pain and bloating.

Low Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes are produced by the cells that line your stomach and small intestine and by your pancreas. These enzymes work on all food groups – protein, fats and carbohydrates. Factors such as stress and intestinal inflammation caused by infection or food intolerances result in lower levels of digestive enzymes being produced. The consequences of this are just the same as those for low stomach acid but include undigested particles of carbohydrates and fats as well as proteins entering the lower bowel. Again irritation, inflammation and fermentation occur and the scene is set for further pain and bloating.

Food Intolerances

Food intolerances are quite different to food allergies. Symptoms of a food allergy are very severe and happen almost immediately after eating any amount – even a tiny trace amount of your allergenic food. Food intolerances display a much more subtle response and symptoms can develop over a 48 hour period. It is common to develop intolerances to the foods you love the most and eat on a daily or regular basis. Food intolerances can be caused by low stomach acid, low digestive enzymes, stress or simply eating the same foods on a very regular basis. Food intolerances can be caused by low stomach acid, low digestive enzymes, stress or simply eating the same foods on a very regular basis.
Digestive Symptoms typical of food intolerance include bloating. Loose stool, aswell as symptoms outside of the digestive tract including runny nose, dark circles under the eyes .In the long term food intolerances can cause a condition called leaky gut where tiny holes appear along the intestinal tract due to inflammation. These holes allow undigested food particles and toxins to cross the intestine into the blood stream which creates a high level of body toxicity.

What can you do about it?

Have a food Intolerance check with me, and determine the foods that are causing issues right now.Depending on the level of symptoms experienced I would also recommend 2-3 supplements to help heal the gut.

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